jeudi 11 mars 2010

Me as project by MORICET and PRAT

My name is Marion MORICET. I am 16 years old. I was born in Evry but now I live in Aurillac.

Project : ANTI-HEROES, by Thibault PRAT and Marion MORICET
Realisation : Cartoon strips and posters created by computer.
We all believe we have a power in ourself. Even if we are certain it's false, we keep believe it. So we have imaginated we are anti-super heroes, we don't save the world and we don't create band of villains. We will incarnate some rather famous super heroes, like Joker, SuperMan, CatWoman, WonderWoman, Flash, Wolverine, Hulk, SuperGirl, etc... But instead of beating the ennemies of the humanity, we will make everything else. So the super heroes we incarnate are not really heroes, but representation of our defaults : laziness, stupidity, clumsiness, etc...
In fact, the superheroes are a mask behind which we hide us, and in the same time to reveal us and our defaults (or our qualities, if curiosity is a quality). We think that the best way to transcribe a serious representation of ourself is to create something funny. Moreover, in the life, we try to hide our defaults and to emphasise our qualities. Therefore, we can deduce that the superheroes are the opposite of what we are, even if they represent us faithfully. It can appear stupid or strange, but that's the reality.
You want to show yourself ? So hide you behind the opposite of yourself !

Nous rêvons tous que nous avons des pouvoirs en nous. Même si nous sommes certains que cela est faux, nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de le penser.
Par conséquent, nous avons imaginé que nous étions des anti-super-héros, nous ne sauvons pas le monde et nous ne créons pas de bande de malfaiteurs. Nous incarnerons certains super-héros assez connus comme le Joker, SuperMan, CatWoman, WonderWoman, Flash, Wolverine, Hulk, SuperGirl, etc... Mais au lieu de combattre les ennemis de l'humanité, nous ferons tout autre chose. Donc les super-héros que nous incarnons ne sont pas vraiment des héros, mais une représentation de nos défauts : la paresse, la stupidité, la maladresse, etc...
En fait, les super-héros sont un masque derrière lequel nous nous cachons, et en même temps nous nous révélons, nous et nos défauts (ou nos qualités si la curiosité est une qualité). Nous pensons que le meilleur moyen de retranscrire de sérieuses représentations de nous-même est de créer quelque chose d'amusant et de décalé. De plus, dans la vie, nous tentons de cacher nos défauts et des mettre en valeur nos qualités. Par conséquent, nous pouvons en déduire que les super-héros sont tout le contraire de ce que nous sommes, même si ils nous représentent fidèlement. Cela peut paraître stupide ou étrange, mais c'est la réalité.
Vous voulez vous montrer ? Alors cachez-vous derrière le contraire de vous-même !

mercredi 3 février 2010

1)Words/Ideas/Feelings That come mind...
2)This photo is a part of a series called "Family Portraits". What kind of is it ?! (It's a photographic portrait, but it's aslo ...)?
3)What does it show ( Describe the various elements, the situation, the atmosphere etc ...)?
4)What are the themes ? ( Ugliness...)?
5)What is the "message"(If any)?
6)What, based on this example, is the purpose of (this work of) "art"?

1) Strange, Fun, Messy, Beautiful, Crazy.
2) We called this picture a family portrait because there is a couple so they're part of a family.
3) It shows an old couple, they are in the kitchen because we see a chair and a table, the woman is watching on the refregerator. The atmosphere is strange, cats are false.
4) Danger, paradox, radioactivity, contrast
5) The message is to tell us that the life evolue and the futur is coming.

mercredi 16 décembre 2009


It is a pub for Chanel . Their pub always are very beautiful. Chanel makes bags but also accessories, fragance,beauty & fine jewelry... and many things again ..

jeudi 10 décembre 2009

a world of opposites

A World Of Opposites...
How we see ourselves is conditioned by the images around us. This images reflect and reinforce in our minds societies values.
Game : take photos of the world around you (adverts, pictures, places, things, events... but not reel people please ! ) on the theme of contrasts.
- Ugly : Beautiful
- Weak : Strong
- Dumb : Smart
- Nasty : Nice
- Ill : Healthy
- Bad : Good
- Quiet : Loud
- Hot : Cold
- Etc...
Put your pictures on the blog with comments.
We often think in terms of opposites, like "ugly" vs "beautiful". Beauty is perhaps in the eye of beholder, but advertises reinforce our simplistic-binary-vision of the world, to condition our way of seeing things ; we end up thinking in stereotypes... Should we not nuance of vision of things ? Are people just "ugly" or "beautiful". Our way of seeing others can be destructive of others... When looking at a portrait or someone's self-portrait, go beyond juging a person by their appearence. Who they are is more important than what they look like. Ask yourselves : what can I learn from a person appearence ? How is his/her life, his/her feelings "written" on his/her face ?

mercredi 9 décembre 2009

For instance :

Va te coucher,tu sers à rien :en gros:"tu peux t'en aller" - Sale mito: Sale menteur - J'ai trop le seum : Je suis enervée - c'est chanmé : c'est méchant ...


This mark is so chic . Dior is very famous for perfume but too for the clothes . I love this mark.